

£120.00 (inc. VAT)

Development is increasingly likely to result in future planning applications that could have a substantial impact on your client’s current or prospective property.

It might ruin their view, reduce their enjoyment of their property or affect its value positively or negatively.  As clients become more aware of development risk as an issue, solicitors need to know how to obtain further information to address their concerns. Specific planning searches may consider the wider area, but what about future development risks, or where planning has yet not been submitted?

DevAssess is a unique new report that includes existing planning information and identifies unexploited development sites. In approximately 10% of cases the searched property has hidden value revealed.

Key features
• Unique, professional opinion about future development risks within a 75m radius of the property
• Identifies development potential of your property or your client’s intended purchase
• Site specific mapping showing any identified potential development sites
• Information about the size of each identified site, together with density predictions
• Includes a full Plansearch Plus report, providing information about current commercial and residential planning applications, together with information on land use designations, rights of way, mobile phone masts, housing and neighbourhood data, together with crime, amenities and education information.
•  Aerial photography

Turnaround time:
Up to 10 working days

Example Report